Find your why buzzes around just about every millennial Instagram account in some form or fashion. Side-stepping any snide remarks as to why one feels the need to post several photos of their toes in front of beach in a cry to be #instafamous, we agree knowing why matters, especially when creating a business. So without further ado, here’s our why for creating the salon.
In building the salon, we longed to create a space where everyone matters and everyone has a purpose. We wanted an air of anonymity to accompany your visit as well. We are the catchall, the safe space, the salon. Personifying this desire, we often overhear the following cell phone conversation:
“I’m at the salon.”
“What salon?”
“The salon!”
And we love it! This is exactly what we wanted the salon to become: the place you get your hair done and escape for a little while. A place of anonymity with excellence where we cater to the every person. We are all part of the salon because we are ALL the salon. In addition to providing cutting edge techniques while also maintaining steady delivery of those tried and true, we long to make you feel at home here.
Furthering our why, did you know our logo’s font choice is especially meaningful? What font is more anonymous and inclusive than that of an old school typewriter? In choosing courier new, we desired to reflect just that - inclusivity and anonymity.
“Everybody has a name. Everybody has a purpose. We are all in it together. And every day is an opportunity to learn something new.” - Ian Lobreto
If you’ve been coming for the past 7 years, you feel it. If you’re new, we hope you’ll let us show you what it means to become part of the salon.
Stay tuned for monthly features of happenings in and around the salon! Thanks for visiting.